Think of all the movies and TV shows that you’ve seen which seem to suggest that zombies will roam the Earth indefinitely, or at least until you’ve killed them.  Would this be true if a realistic zombie apocalypse was to sweep across the globe?

Fictional zombies

will_zombies_be_immortal-fictional In most movies and TV shows that depict zombies you could see them in any state of destruction, continuing indefinitely to try their best to get us in any way they can.  The zombie could be cut in half or missing most of his limbs and will still crawl and claw their way along the ground.  Some shows even depict a severed head trying to bite nearby humans! The only movie to come close to realistic zombies was “28 Days Later”.  In the movie we see fast, aggressive, almost human-looking zombies that are easily killed by shooting them or beating them to death.  The most realistic part of this movie is at the end, where we see several zombies near a bridge that appear to be starving to death. The only movie to come close to realistic zombies was 28 Days Later. Share on X  

Realistic zombies

will_zombies_be_immortal-realistic In terms of killing zombies or their ability to survive beyond the capabilities of the rest of humanity, zombies will be just as vulnerable as the rest of us.  Zombies will be just as easy to kill as any other human being and will be subject to the same necessities as us.  Anything that can kill us can kill them, such as:
  • Starving to death
  • Freezing to death
  • Exposure
  • Diseases
The idea that zombies can only be killed by destroying the brain is also badly flawed when considering a realistic scenario for the zombie apocalypse. The only major difference between a zombie and the rest of us will be their extreme strength, speed, lack of fear and desire for violence.    

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