While there are similarities between a zombie-like virus and the rabies virus, the question will always be; will the zombie virus be man-made?


will_the_zombie_virus_be_natural_or_man-made-rabies When Rabies infects an animal such as a dog or raccoon it will alter their brain so that the self-preservation mechanism is turned off.  Once this part of the brain has been deactivated the virus will try to force the animal to bite another animal or a human.  It does this by taking over more areas of the brain.  The only reason the Rabies virus wants the animal to bite is so that it can spread to a new host. While animals can transfer Rabies to humans, the virus is not able to take full control of the human brain just yet.  Eventually, the human host will die, without spreading the virus to others. Animals can transfer Rabies to humans but it is not able to take control of the human brain. Share on X  

Elitist plans for us

As evident by the Georgia Guidestones (Americas Stonehenge) the elite want to maintain our population below 500 million but how can it do this while 7.5 billion of us are walking around?  The only way would be to kill most of us.  Now they can’t just drag us away and shoot us in the head so they will have to come up with a different plan that could look like a naturally occurring disaster but would of course be of their making. Part of the elites plan is to not only cull our population but to take full and complete control of those who survive.  A zombie apocalypse would be a great way for them to accomplish this, as they can re-take control if we just hand over the last of our freedoms to those in power.  This way the elites will kill two birds with the one stone.  

Zombie virus

will_zombies_attack_other_zombies-the_zombie_virus Imagine if they could alter the Rabies virus to create a zombie-like reaction.  The brains of those affected will switch off the self-preservation mechanism and ramp up certain chemical releases such as;
  • Testosterone
  • Cortisol
while drastically decreasing the release of;
  • Serotonin
  • Dopamine
This mixture would be enough to cause realistic zombies to go on very viscous rampages of violence.    

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