During the upcoming zombie apocalypse, it would be very easy to imagine all the recently deceased in the world suddenly rising from their graves to consume us all.  After all, this is one of the most stereotypical zombie behaviour as portrayed in zombie movies and TV shows.  But will that really be the case?

Circulatory system

will_the_dead_turn_into_zombies-2 Blood flow is vital for living beings.  If your blood is no longer flowing through your system it cannot reach the lungs, to be oxygenated, and cannot possibly reach the brain, which in turn controls everything.  If the lungs are destroyed than that dead body cannot possibly return as a zombie.  Zombies need to breathe too.  

Brain power

will_the_dead_turn_into_zombies-3 Without electrical connectivity, your brain can’t function.  If you are dead than this power distribution system has failed.  The nervous system, which controls everything from pooping to muscle movement is dependent on a functioning brain.  Without a functioning brain, the body can’t walk around attacking people. Without electrical connectivity, your brain can't function. Share on X  


Decomposition sets in quickly once you die and sees every part of your body begin to break down.  The capillaries in your lungs, once broken down, are no longer capable of oxygenating blood so your brain cannot function.  

Dead is dead

will_the_dead_turn_into_zombies-4 Whether zombie or human, when you’re dead you’re dead.  While zombies will not show any fear, will be stronger and faster than us, they can certainly be killed just as easily as us. Think of a zombie as being more like a rabid dog.  Sure the dog loves you and is your best pal, but the damned virus has taken over his brain.  He will come to get you but it’s not his fault, the virus is making him do it.  Just like a rabid dog, it is vital that you put down that zombie as quick as possible.    

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