As a prepper, you have, most likely, been busy gathering supplies for your survival in the case of a catastrophic emergency.  Maybe you have these things in your garden shed, house, or buried in some secret location, but what are the best strategies for protecting your precious survival supplies?

In your home

prepper_supplies_tactic_protecting_them-home Most preppers will keep their supplies at home, in their basement or in a single room.  If you are concerned about people breaking in and stealing your supplies you can create hiding areas in the crawl space of the walls, under your home, at the back of cupboards or under furniture.  This could provide a small bit of protection in the event of desperate people trying to steal your supplies.  

In your bunker

prepper_supplies_tactic_protecting_them-bunker Should you be fortunate enough to afford an underground bunker you could safely store all of your supplies inside.  This bunker should, of course, be large enough to comfortably house you, your family and all of your supplies.  Make sure that you can sufficiently secure the entrance of the bunker to deter people from trying to break in and steal your stuff.  As long as you don’t advertise the location of your bunker things should remain secure enough. If you have an underground bunker you could safely store all of your supplies inside. Share on X  

Multiple caches

prepper_supplies_tactic_protecting_them-multiple_cahes Having multiple caches of supplies is great if you need to travel from your home to your final survival location.  As you move you can resupply along the way.  This is also a great idea if you don’t have a properly secure location such as a bunker.  You could scatter multiple small pockets of supplies around your home, near your home, or on likely escape routes.  This way, if someone finds your cache they will only get a small amount of your overall supplies.  

Never advertise

prepper_supplies_tactic_protecting_them-never_advertise_2 Look at the amount of people that have been featured on the TV series “Doomsday Preppers“.  Each and every one of these people has put their supplies and themselves in danger because it is now known that they have supplies, where the supplies are and in some cases, the exact supplies and quantities they have.  When disaster strikes they will be targets for their desperate neighbors and anyone else who has figured out where they live. Never tell another living soul that you have supplies, are gathering supplies, or where those supplies are stored.  If you do than you might as well give up and get rid of / use your supplies as they are no longer secure. The only people who should know about your supplies are your direct family members or those who are actively helping in gathering supplies or those that you plan to bring to your shelter during a time of crisis.    

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