I’m going to get right to the point on this one. There is nothing you can do.
You can’t win back her affection. You have no choice but to let her go. So what happened?
When you are with someone for long enough a transition will occur where you become more friends than lovers. This signifies the absolute end of the honeymoon period and the beginning of, what most consider the best phase.
Ye are now becoming proper life partners and everything is working out great. You know each other’s routines like the back of your hand and feel more at ease around the other person than you do in your own company.
Unfortunately, there is a small proportion of people who simply cannot see this transition for what it is and will begin to fall out of love with you. It may be impossible for you to see the signs and predict what is about to happen.
This signifies the absolute end of the honeymoon period. Share on X
Then one day she tells you it’s over. As usual, your brain will not accept what has just happened and you might convince yourself that you must win her back. It doesn’t matter how hard you try, she won’t come back to you.
So if there is nothing you can do then what do you do with yourself now?
As I discuss in my book “How to Get Over Her in 1 Month: Learn how to rise like a Phoenix from the ashes of a breakup“ it is best if you delete all trace of her from your life and focus solely on you. Make yourself into the best version of yourself.
Yes, they do. However, it will take many years before you ever see them again so don’t wait around for her return and instead, get yourself back out into the dating world again.
Approximately 83% of people who leave their partner due to the seven-year itch will return but not for 4 or more years after they left.
Because of the huge delay in coming back and trying to rekindle things only, 3% will be accepted back and given a second chance. If she is one of the 83% who does return you need to think very carefully before giving her a second chance. Remember, she most likely just called it off with you without trying to work on things first. Do you really want to take back a woman who doesn’t work on things and instead, lets things build up to such an extent that she eventually walks out?
Don’t be afraid to get back out there. You may have been with her for years and may never have thought this would happen to you but it has. It is normal that you will find a new, far better woman if you just get back on the horse (pun intended).
The seven-year itch

What to do

Do they ever come back?

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