If we take what we have learned about zombies from zombie movies and zombie TV shows we would be remiss to believe that zombies are some form of immortal creature that cannot be killed. We would also believe that they are people who have died and come back to life as a zombie.
This could not be further from the truth. During a zombie apocalypse, people will not rise from the dead and people you’ve killed will not reanimate into a zombie and zombies are not immortal and are pretty easy to kill.
A zombie will still be a human being at the end of the day and it can be killed just as easily as any other human being. They will not have some kind of superpower that allows them to survive if you destroy a vital organ just like a human being does not have a superpower that allows them to survive if you destroy one of the vital organs.
The vital organs
- Heart
- Lungs
- Brain
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