Okay, so she has just called it off with you and is preparing to leave.  What do you do?  How to you maintain your strong masculinity during this heart-shredding time?

Initial breakup

how_to_hold_onto_your_self-respect_dignity_breakup-initial_breakup Most guys who are dumped by someone they love dearly will immediately start crying.  Despite what they claim to their mates, women know this one very well.  Approximately 83% of guys who fall into this category (they love her and she leaves) will cry as soon as she calls it off.  Despite how difficult it may be, you must never cry in front of her.  This is important for maintaining your self-respect and to show her that you are still a strong man. The only reason she’s dumping you is because she now sees you as a weak option.  If you are able to maintain your composure during the breakup she may start second-guessing her decision immediately.  But how can you possibly stop this natural reaction?  Simple… hurt yourself.  Keep one hand in your pocket and vigorously pinch your inner thigh or even pinch one of your testicles if needed.  Tugging on pubic hair can also help with this.  I know this seems funny as you read it but I am being serious with this one.  Hurt yourself just enough to get angry with yourself.  You will only be able to feel one emotion at a time, which is it going to be? Thank her for giving you a great few month, years etc.  State to her that you think it’s a pity that things didn’t work out and walk away from her. The only reason she’s dumping you is because she now sees you as a weak option. Share on X  


how_to_hold_onto_your_self-respect_dignity_breakup-afterwards After she has left you it is vital that you do not contact her for any reason.  Remember, she is the one that left so it is up to her if she wants to come back or not.  Get to the gym and work out as much as possible.  Spend some time with your friends and don’t be in any hurry to jump into something new.  

Take her back or not?

how_to_hold_onto_your_self-respect_dignity_breakup-take_back_not If she does come crawling back you will be in a position of power as you will be the one that decides if you take her back or not.  If you do decide to take her back you should send her jumping through a bunch of hoops to try and win your affections and take things very, very, very slow this time.  Don’t let her in so easily the second time around.  

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