In today’s hectic world it is easy to find time for working, cleaning the house (mostly to a basic level of acceptance), socialising, eating, etc., but most of us neglect to make time for enough sleep.  By employing the techniques described here it will drastically increase your chances of getting consistent quality sleep every night.  


easy_ways_to_fall_asleep_and_kick_insomnias_ass-sleep Many people believe that when we sleep our brains effectively shut off to recharge, but this is not entirely true.  Sleep can be the most active time for your mind.  Your conscious mind will mostly shut off but your subconscious mind will power up to supercharged activity.  Your subconscious mind will process information and try to rationalize what you experienced that day. While sleep still presents a mystery to science it is vital for your overall health and well-being.  The ideal amount of sleep to get, for men, is 7-9 hours per night with women requiring an extra hour or two. The ideal amount of sleep to get is 7-9 hours per night. Share on X  

Switch off

easy_ways_to_fall_asleep_and_kick_insomnias_ass-switch_off Pick your own bedtime that will allow you to have the optimal amount of sleep before you need to wake up.  Let’s say you would need to be asleep by 11pm in order to wake up at 7am.  You will need to add at least 1 more hour to this schedule as you will have to get yourself to the point of being asleep.  This means that you will have to go to bed at 10pm.  This should become a steadfast time in your routine where, no matter what, you go to bed at 10pm.  No more late nights. You will need to switch off at least 2 hours before bedtime in order to allow your brain to become sedated, in preparation for sleep.  In order to do this you should turn off all electronic devices, such as:
  • TV
  • Phone
  • Tablet
  • Radio
  • Computer


easy_ways_to_fall_asleep_and_kick_insomnias_ass-relax Another good idea at this stage is to dim the lights if possible and sit down with a good book and a cup of hot chocolate.  The book should be a regular paper version and not an electronic eReader. Take this time to rid your mind of the stresses of the day.  If you do this every night it will take your brain a very short time to associate these evening activities with sleep.  Eventually, your brain will take the hint and put you to sleep at exactly 11pm each night.    

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