The Venus Project, as envisioned by Jacque Fresco, aims to facilitate a future where technology takes over from all menial tasks leaving us to pursue whatever we like.  This new world will be sustainable and allow abundance for all.  

How can there be abundance for all?

the_venus_project-how_can_there_be_abundance_for_all The Venus Project relies on the elimination of the monetary system as we know it and for all nations on Earth to work together in order to share the worlds resources.  Poor people are only poor because they don’t have any money.  There is more than enough resources for everybody, the only problem is if they can afford things or not.  Once the Venus Project’s resource based system is enacted it would mean that all people on Earth will enjoy the best of everything.  No more poor, no more rich but people who will have everything they could possibly need. The Venus Project relies on the elimination of the monetary system as we know it. Share on X  

How will it work?

In order for the Venus Project to come to fruition it will require all nations on Earth to work together in order to:
  • Eradicate war
  • Remove the monetary system
  • Discover and catalogue all resources on Earth
  • Re-distribute resources to where they are needed
It will require manufacturers to produce products that are durable and able to last, as opposed to the current system where items are intentionally designed to fail after a certain period of time, thus continuing the rampant consumption that exists today. Each city within the Venus Project system will be fully self-sufficient, producing their own renewable power and growing their own food.  The emphasis will be put on environmental protection, for everyone’s benefit, using technology to improve our lives and providing for the needs of all, not just those lucky few who have the money. Imagine a future where you don’t need to toil endlessly in a job that you hate in order to earn some paper that you need to hand back to the very banking system that produces that money in the first place.  You will be able to pursue your passion and your dream. This future is attainable as soon as we abolish all political systems, which serve nobody except themselves anyway.    

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