We’ve all seen the movies and TV shows where the small bands of survivors are being ruthlessly hunted by hordes of seemingly uncoordinated zombies. These large groups of zombies seem to be clustered together and either shuffle along blindly following the scent of human flesh or run at an unimaginable speed, depending on what show you’re watching. The one common element of these shows is that zombies do not attack other zombies, but would that be the case during a realistic zombie apocalypse?

The zombie virus

will_zombies_attack_other_zombies-the_zombie_virus Just like rabies in dogs, cats or racoons, the zombie virus will be capable of shutting down parts of the brain and dramatically increasing the use of other parts. The self-preservation part of the brain will be switched off meaning that zombies will not fear a gun pointed at them, attacks, injury or even death.  They cannot be intimidated in any way and cannot be frightened. The part of the brain responsible for extreme violence will be kicked into high gear meaning they will attack viciously and without mercy.  When this part of the brain is activated it will cause certain chemicals such as adrenaline to flow in abundance, making the zombie stronger and faster. Just like rabies in dogs the zombie virus will be capable of shutting down parts of the brain. Share on X  

But will they attack each other?

will_zombies_attack_other_zombies-attack_each_other Of course.  They will be in such a frenzy of violence that they will attack everything in sight; humans, animals, a brick wall, each other. The only way to stop them would be to incapacitate them, by damaging the legs or knocking them out or killing them. All of these zombie movies and TV shows depict zombies as being dead and therefore they will have lost whatever makes them the person they once were.  The sad thought is that they are still very much in there but will never be able to express their true selves ever again. You will have to kill them before they kill you.    

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