We’ve seen the movies; we’ve seen the TV shows and all of them appear to have a very wide variety of defensive measures for slowing down or stopping the advancing hordes of zombies.  But which defensive measure is the right one? Unfortunately, there is no single definitive answer but there is one method that has already proved very successful in keeping humans in their place… the prison wall.

The wall

best_zombie_defence_for_your_stronghold-razor_wire Prisons across the planet have relied on high walls to keep their population from getting out and for the most part, this has proved successful.  Accessories are usually added to boost the effectiveness of these walls such as:
  • Razor wire
  • Spikes
There is one accessory that has proven to be more effective than any other in ensuring that, if someone was to climb to the top of the wall, they would never be able to make it over… the anti-climb duct. This is simply a large diameter pipe, usually 40 inches (102cm) in diameter that is covered in a thick layer of angle grease or another highly slippery substance.  When someone tries to get a grip on the top of the wall they will slip because of all the grease and the pipe is big enough to ensure that they will not be able to reach the whole way around to the other side of the wall. If someone was to climb to the top of the wall, they would never be able to make it over. Share on X  

The details

best_zombie_defence_for_your_stronghold-main The wall should be tall enough to be at least twice the height of an average person, roughly 12 feet (3.7 meters) tall.  This way, it will take a bit of an effort for, not only zombies but also other humans to reach the top of the wall, where they will encounter your impossible greasy trap. Feel free to make as many additions to the wall as possible, such as razor wire, pieces of glass, or spikes.  Always be mindful of where you position accessories as these if placed incorrectly, could end up being a help to someone who wants into your stronghold.  It is wise to consider the possibility that someone might get over the wall so placing a thick bed of razor wire around the ground on the inside of the wall might be a good idea. During the zombie apocalypse, you can never have enough defenses against them, but as a wise man once said “You will never stop them from getting in.  If they want to get in they will.  You can only slow them down”.    

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